

West Bengal Societies Registration Act

Memorandum of Association


  2. The Registered office of the society shall be situated at: Kalyani Mahavidyalaya, City Centre Complex, Kalyani, Nadia
  3. The objects for which the society is established are:
  4. a) To acquire, establish, start, aid, run, maintain or manage educational institutes, libraries for the benefit of the Students.
  5. b) To arrange and organize lectures, debates, discussions, seminars & excursions for the diffusion of knowledge.
  6. c) To publish or cause to be published useful literatures, magazines, etc. without profit motive.
  7. d) To study, cultivate and demonstrate the art of music and dancing.
  8. e) To promote and encourage advancement of literary, cultural, political, religious & scientific education.
  9. f) To help the needy students of all communities for the prosecution of studies.
  10. g) To help the aged, sick, helpless and indigent persons.
  11. h) To work for the happiness of the down trodden needy people for their primary needs people for their primary needs such as food, cloth education and shelter etc.
  12. i) To import and develop Social awareness among the illiterate women and men by organizing awareness camps from time to time.
  13. j) To organize an ambulance for free rendering service to the needy patients.
  14. k) To establish and maintain basic and adult education centre to remove the illiteracy.
  15. l) To arrange and organise dead body carrier for free rendering service to help the needy people of the society.
  16. m) To open charitable dispensaries, first aid centre, blood donation camp from time to time and to generate awareness amongst people suffering from Thalasimia, Cancer and HIV Aids disease etc.
  17. n) To arrange and organise education on computer both in theoretical and practical classes among the needy students of the society without profit motive.
  18. o) To render relief to the suffering in times of famine, flood, drought, earthquake and other natural calamities.
  19. p) To educate the people about pollution and to arrange plantation of trees in the locality to make the world green.
  20. q) To arrange and organise old age-home to help the needy people of the society without profit motive.
  21. r) To arrange for medical treatment to the Deaf & Dumb and handicapped persons by rendering qualified doctors, medicines and other allied articles free of cost.
  22. s) To help the people in marriage, funeral and cremation of the dead.
  23. t) To help to organise self-help group based programme for augmentation of the livelihood opportunities of the people at the grass root level as being beneficial to the public or to a section of public.
  24. u) To foster and perpetuate friendship, cooperation, teaching, research and business relationships among the alumni.
  25. v) To share educational, professional and life experiences among the alumni of the university.
  26. w) To form individual alumni association of each department of the university.
  27. x) To organise reunions of the alumni in the university campus in a regular basis.
  28. y) To organise meetings, seminars and conferences throughout the years to keep in close touch with the alumni.
  29. z) To disseminate important information to assist the students and scholars of the Institute and also to the members of the Association in their academic pursuits and career growth and development.
  30. aa) To keep close association with the university and also to inspire alumni to enhance their leadership and resources to support the institute that it will need for its various activities.
  31. bb) To further the social, literary and cultural interests of the alumni and alumnae through the publication of articles, through functions and meetings of the associations, and in other ways. The functions and objects of the society shall always remain restricted within the meaning of the section 4(2) of the West Bengal Society Registration Act 1961 irrespective of any object mentioned in the present document in agreement or opposed to the said section. Before commencing the activities of the Society necessary approval/permission will be obtained from the Govt. or other appropriate/Concerned authorities as and when required. The income and properties of the society whatsoever derived or obtained shall be applied solely t owards the promotion of the object of the society and no portion-thereof shall be paid to or divided amongst any of its members by way of profits. 4. The names, address and descriptions of the members of the Executive Committee:


01.Dr. Runu Das, Principal, Kalyani MahavidyalayaServiceB- 12 /18(S), Kalyani, Nadia 741235
02.Rajesh MajumdarServiceA-9/214, Kalyani, Nadia 741235
03.Bubly SarkarServiceGhoshpara Ward No 3 Kalyani, Nadia 741235
04.Partho BanerjeeServiceRanaghat, Nadia
05.Anusweta Dey SarkarServiceB-8/50, Kalyani, Nadia-741235
06.Captain kr. SarkarServiceVill- Uttar Ghoshpara

Near KBSP Club

Chalkdaha, Nadia741222

07.Priyam kr. SarkarServiceVill-Chanduria,p.o. Simurali,Nadia741248
08.Parama SenguptaServiceB-2/62 A, Kalyani, Nadia-741235
09.Soumali DeyServiceB-9/193, Kalyani, Nadia-741235
10.Arko SutradharServiceB-3/21,Kalyani, Nadia
11.Manab ChakrabortyServiceAlaipur, Madanpur, Nadia-741245
12.Mandakranta RoyService111, Mona Dutta Sarani, Kanchrapara, 24 pgns (n)
13.Utsa BiswasServiceA-2/ 167  , Kalyani, Nadia-741235
14.Subhajit MondalRathtala Sahid Pally, Kalyani, Nadia, PIN-741235
15.Koushik Sarkar2 No. Ward, Kalyani, Nadia, PIN-741235

We, the several persons whose names, addresses and occupations are hereunto subscribed are desirous of being formed into an association in pursuance of this memorandum of association.

Witness to the above signatures,

Signature :



Unless the context otherwise require words and expressions contained in these Regulations shall bear the same meaning as in the W.B. Societies Registration Act, 1961 or any statutory modification thereof.

  2. The Registered office of the society shall be situated at: Kalyani Mahavidyalaya, City Centre Complex, Kalyani Nadia.
  3. Business and Fiscal Years: The business or working year and the fiscal year of KMVAA shall be the Calendar Year i.e., from January 1 to December 31.
  4. Membership

4.1 The following shall be members of the Association:

4.1.1 Kalyani Mahavidyalaya Alumni are eligible to be a member of KMVAA.

4.1.2 Such other persons or classes of persons as may be determined by the Alumni Association and designated for membership by Ordinance. This category of membership shall neither be eligible to stand for elections nor does vote.

4.2 Executive Body of the Association shall have the authority to withdraw privileges of membership from any individual whose behavior is incompatible with the objectives of the Mahavidyalaya  and the Association.

4.3 Only members have the right

(a) to be nominated to elective positions of KMVAA; and

(b) to vote in any election or on any resolution or issue concerning KMVAA affairs.

4.4 Membership Fees :

4.4.1 The Executive Committee shall propose Membership Fees for regular and life members. The payment of the membership fees shall be obligatory for all members, once approved by the members present in the Annual general Body Meeting. Membership dues for each calendaryear shall be payable by the September 30 of that year.

4.4.2 Special Fees:

The Executive Committee  may collect Special Fees to meet the expenses of any special events or programs. Fees shall be payable by the members participating/supporting in special events or programs.

4.5 Cessation of Membership:

Any member shall cease to be a member – (a) on the acceptance of his resignation from membership, (b) on his becoming insane or insolvent, (c) on his conviction of any offence in connection with the formation, promotion, management or conduct of affairs of society or a body corporate or of any offence involving moral turpitude.

4.6 Register of Members:

The society shall maintain a Register of members containing the names, addresses and their occupations, the date of admission and of cessation of membership. The Register will be kept open for inspection of the members of society on requisition. All entries required to be made therein shall be entered within a period of 15 days.

4.7 Rights and Obligations of Members:

Any ordinary members of the society has the right (a) to elect and to be elected in any election of the society; (b) to submit suggestion for discussion to the Executive Committee and sub-committee on any matter relating to society; (c) to inspect the accounts with the secretary; (d) to pay his subscription within the prescribed time. Defaulting members shall not be allowed to take part or vote in a meeting. Members shall have one vote each.

4.8 Expulsion & Removal:

Frequent actions of any member, if found by the Executive Committee is detrimental to the interest and is in violation of the rules and regulations of the Society, he may be after due enquiry, censured, suspended or expelled from the membership by the Executive Committee. In that case the Executive Committee shall first serve the member concerned with a show cause showing therein the charges framed and shall have the power to take a suitable action against the delinquent member after allowing him to defend his case. If no reply to the show cause notice is received within a month, the Executive Committee may take an ex-parte decision. For any act of expulsion or termination no such member shall be entitled to prefer any claim for compensation or damage even if proved on subsequent date that such act of expulsion or termination was wrongful and/or unlawful.

  1. Executive Committee

The Association shall function through its Executive Committee which shall comprise of the following Officer bearers.

  1. a) President
  2. b) Two Vice- Presidents
  3. c) General Secretary
  4. d) Two Asst. Secretaries
  5. e) Treasurer
  6. f) Eight members

5.1 Formation of Executive Committee

5.1.1 All the officers of the Executive Committee, except the president, who is the Principal/TiC of the Mahavidyalaya, or anyone nominated by the head, shall be elected by and from among the Members of the Executive Committee of the Association.

5.1.2 The office bearers shall hold office for a period of up to two years and no office bearer shall hold the same office for more than four years consecutively.

5.1.3 The censure of a member of the Executive committee shall require a resolution adopted by a two-third majority vote of the other members.

5.1.4 The Executive Committee shall determine membership fees for regular and life members.

5.1.5 Vacancies in the office, whether due to resignation or any other cause, may be filled by the vote of majority of the remaining office bearers and each member so elected shall be selected from the Regular members of the organization and shall hold office until the next election.

5.2 Election of the Executive Committee:

The officers of the Executive Committee shall be elected for two years from among the Regular Members. Only the Regular Members are eligible to vote during the election. The election of the Executive Committee shall take place in the month of December every alternate year. Any member of the Executive Committee can be elected for a maximum of three consecutive periods.

  1. Procedure for the Election of Members of the Executive Committee

6.1 All the elected posts of the new Executive Committee shall be filled by the elections in the Annual General Body Meetings every alternate year. Elections shall be conducted by an Election Officer, appointed 90 days in advance, by the outgoing Board. A call for nominations from among all members eligible to participate will be issued by the Election Officer through the Association’s web site, to members with e-mail addresses and in appropriate newsletters/magazines of the Association.

6.2 All eligible members will be entitled to place one nomination per vacancy and should provide evidence of the willingness of a nominee to serve for a period of two years. Nominations should be submitted to the Election Officer at the Alumni’s main mailing address.

6.3 On behalf of the Executive Committee, the Election Officer shall be responsible for receipt, scrutiny, acceptance and display of nominations, the acceptance of withdrawals and the actual conducting of the elections.

6.4 All members of the association shall have the right to vote, propose and second a candidate for the elected positions of the executive committee. All the alumni fulfilling the eligibility criterion for a given post shall have the right to be a candidate for the same.

6.5 Nominations shall be invited, on prescribed formats by the Election Officer, at least two months in advance of the AGBM of alternate years, by the General Circular to all members.

6.6 Every nomination shall be required to be duly proposed and seconded by members of the Association and shall contain a proper consent of the nominee. No member shall be eligible to be re-elected to the same post of the Association for more than two consecutive terms.

6.7 After the closing date of the nominations, all valid nominations for all the posts shall be brought to the knowledge of the Executive Committee by the Election Officer.

6.8 In addition to voting by members present in the Annual General Body Meeting, voting may also be done by secure e-mail/postal voting. The tally of the e-mail and postal votes shall be taken in advance but will be publicly revealed by the Election Officer just after taking the vote of the members present in the General Body Meetings.

6.9 Results of the voting shall be announced by the Election Officer.

6.10 The new Board shall take over the charge of the Association within one month of its election.

  1. Meeting:

A meeting of Executive Committee shall be held at least once in three months at such place, date and time, as the President or the Secretary may determine. Any four members of Executive Committee may requisition the meeting and the Secretary shall summon the same within seven(7) days and failing which the President on the requisitionists may do so provided no business other that specified in the notice shall be transacted at such meeting.

  1. Notice and quorum:

Seven(7) days’ notice of the meeting specifying the place, time and the general nature of business to be transacted, shall be given to every member of the Executive Committee. Emergency meeting may be called on 24 hours notice. 1/3rd members personally present shall constitute a quorum for the meeting and if a quorum is not present within 30 minutes of the time, members present shall adjourn the meeting.

  1. Procedure of the meeting:

The President or in his absence the Vice-President shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Committee and in their absence members present shall elect a Chairman of the meeting. All questions before the meeting will be decided by a majority of votes, each members having one vote. The President or the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote in addition to his own vote in case of equality of votes.

  1. Power and Duties of the Executive Committee:

The EC shall have general power of supervision and conduct over all the society and in particular shall discharge the following duties:

(i) To appoint sub-committee with such power and duties as may be considered necessary or expedient.

(ii) To accept donation, gift, subscription, movable or immovable property for the objects of the society.

(iii) To sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise dispose of and deal with all or any part of the property of the society,

(iv) To keep proper accounts of the society and to open bank account in the name of the society in one or more banks.

(v) To co-opt not more than two members to the Governing Body.

(vi) To appoint a person or persons on payment of assist the Secy./ Treasurer in the maintenance of account, etc.

(vii) To conduct any other business not specified herein for the attainment of the object of the society provided such business is not repugnant to such object.

(viii) Society can acquired property both movable and immovable property for the use of the Society.


11.1 The EC shall be responsible for the safe custody of the funds, properties and assets of the society.

11.2 The funds of the society shall kept in banks/post offices/ Mutual Funds and be invested in any securities specified under Sec.20 of the Indian Trust Act,1882.


The books of account and other statutory books shall be kept at the registered office and shall be open to inspection of the members at such time and place as the EC directs on a written request made by any member.


The accounting year of the society shall be from 1st day of April of each year to 31st day of March of following year.


14.1 Annual General Meeting:

Notice: The Secretary shall annually call the Annual General Meeting as per provisions of W.B.S.R. Act.,1961 giving at least 14 day’s notice to all members. The notice shall contain the place, date, day and time of the meeting. Agenda: The business to be transacted at the A.G.M. shall be : (a) to confirm the minutes of the last A.G.M. and of special general meeting if any, (b) to adopt with or without modification the report of the working of the Society for the previous year; (c)to pass audited accounts of the Society for the previous year ended; (d) to appoint qualified Auditor or Auditors; (e) to transact such business as may be fixed by the BOD; (f) to transact such other business as may be brought forward by giving 14 days previous notice from any member; (g) to conduct general election.

Quorum of the meeting: 1/3rd members personally present at the commencement of the meeting shall constitute the quorum.

Manner and Method of Voting: The Chairman of the meeting shall decide the manner and method of voting at the outset of the meeting.

14.1.1 The Annual General Body Meeting (AGBM) shall be held in the month of December each year with the following agenda.

(i) Welcome address.

(ii) General Secretary’s Annual Report.

(iii) Treasurer’s Annual Report.

(iv) Amendments and adoption of By-laws, if any.

(v) Any other business .

(vi) Election of the office bearers for the next activity- year (Jan- Dec), if any.

(vii) Closing remarks .

The Annual General Body Meeting (AGBM) of the Association shall be held every year on the date specified by the Executive Committee in the month of December. Unless otherwise decided by the Executive Committee, the AGBM of the Association shall be held in the Institute. The date and time of the Annual General Body Meeting of the Association shall be notified by the President. Any Member may attend and participate in the discussions during the AGBM, however, only the Regular members may present motions and vote. Decisions shall be on the basis of a simple majority of the members present, except in the case of changing the by-law, for which a two-thirds majority of the members present shall be needed. For the purpose of taking the opinion of the General Body to discuss up to two topics that

are of importance for the well-being of the Association, the President may also convene special meetings of the General Body. Special meetings of the General Body may also be requisitioned by a member of the General Body provided that such a request has the support of at least 50% of other members and the request has been made at least 60 days in advance of the proposed date of the Special General Body Meeting. The business of special meeting shall be confined to the specific matter(s) for which it has been called and no other matters shall become admissible for the discussion.

14.1.2 The venue for holding Special General Body Meetings (SGBM) shall be decided by the Executive Committee. The mode of convening SGBM would be so as to allow members present in the meeting to express their views clearly.

14.1.3 For the consideration and voting by the Executive Committee in the forthcoming Annual General Body Meeting (AGBM) or a Special General Body Meeting, any member of the General Body may propose a motion either by post or electronic mail. All such motions shall require seconding by at least 10 other members. For being considered in the forthcoming General Body meeting they shall be required to be proposed 60 days in advance.

14.1.4 The Executive Committee shall be empowered to propose motions at any time of the year for the consideration and voting by the General Body. However, all motions proposed by the Executive Committee shall require a notice of at least 60 days before they are put up for voting by the General Body.

14.1.5 In addition to voting by members present in the General Body Meeting, any matter, that requires a voting by the General Body of alumni, may also be done by secure electronic media and/or postal voting. Members of the Executive Committee shall not be involved in the counting/ tallying of the votes; an election officer appointed by the Executive Committee from among the employees of the Institute will ensure the secrecy and correctness of the vote and tally. The tally of the electronic votes and postal votes will be taken in advance but will be publicly revealed by the election officer just after taking the vote of the members present in the GBM.

14.1.6 Passing of a motion shall require a minimum of 40% votes to be polled. All motions shall be deemed to be passed if supported by a simple majority.

14.1.7 Quorum for the AGBM and SGBM:

At least 30 % of the regular members shall form the quorum in the AGBM or SGBM.

14.2 Special General Meeting:

A Special General Meeting may be convened by the Executive Committee at any time in view of urgency of the matter. At least 7 days notice shall be given to every member for special general meeting. Members may request the Executive Committeefor special General Meeting by placing a requisition signed by 2/3rd of total members. In that case the Executive Committee shall convene a special general meeting within a month from the receipt of such notice. In default by the Executive Committee, ,the requisitionists shall hold such meeting provided no business other than those specified in the notice shall be transacted.

14.3 Extra-Ordinary general meeting:

The Executive Committee may direct to convene an Extra-ordinary general meeting for consideration of addition, alteration or amendment of the memorandum/regulations, of the Society. 7 days notice along with the proposed draft of change shall be sent to members before the meeting. The resolution for change, amendment etc. of the Memorandum and

Regulations be carried out it accepted by the three fourths of the members present at the meeting.

  1. Duties and Attributions

15.1 Members

To suggest activities for the well being of the Association, and provide participation.

15.2 Executive Committee

To structure events, programs and activities with a view to achieve the general prosperity of the Association.

15.3 President

To guide the Association in meeting the objectives; preside over the meetings of the Board and those of the members; represent the Association; and to delegate tasks as required.

15.4 Vice-President (Executive)

To prepare and present, in coordination with the President, the respective budget for the activity year and to assume the tasks of the President in case of the latter’s absence or resignation.

15.5 Vice-President (Planning)

To prepare and present, in coordination with the President, plans of activities of the association; to guide the planning of specific events and activities

15.6 General Secretary

To convene, at the request of the President or two of the directors, the meetings of the Board of Directors or the general body meetings of the members; prepare the agenda of the meetings and maintain the minutes/records; collect suggestions/opinions of the members on the objectives of the Association and present them for discussions in the Board meetings; and be alert for the collective well-being of the Association. The General Secretary shall also assist the events and programs approved by the Executive Committee.

15.7 Treasurer

Manage the finances and assets of the Association pursuant to the decision of the Executive Committee

15.8 members

Actively participates in the tasks of coordinating general programs and special events or programs.


President: He shall (a) preside over all meetings of the Society; (b) take all disciplinary actions such as removals, dismissals etc., in consultation with the Executive Committee; (c) advice the Secretary inany matter requiring urgent attention; (d) call emergency meeting.

Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall perform all the duties of the President.

Secretary : He shall (a) convene all meeting of the Society; (b) maintain minute books of all meetings; (c) issue general circulars and notices; (d) receive all application for membership which shall be placed before the Executive Committee; (e) sign on behalf of the Society all receipts for all bill for payments; (g) get the accounts of the Society audited by a Chartered Accountant; (h) ensure compliance with statutory requirements; (i) transact all other business subject to the

direction of the Executive Committee. Asst. Secretary: In the absence of the secretary. The Asst. Secretary shall perform all the duties of the secretary. Treasurer: He shall (a) collect and receive all sorts of subscriptions, donations and deposit of money and grant receipts thereof; (b) maintain and keep cash book and such other accounts as are necessary; (c) operate bank account jointly either with the Secretary or the President; (d) prepare the budget in consultation with the Secretary for consideration of the Executive Committee. 


The Society shall maintain books of accounts as required under Sec.15(1)(a),(b) of the Act.

The accounts shall be audited by a duly qualified auditor as stated in Sec.15(2) of the Act.


All suits and legal proceedings by or against the Society shall be in the name of the Secretary

or such person as shall be appointed by the Committee.


The Memorandum and Regulations may be altered, modified, rescinded or added to by special resolutions passed by the 3/4th members in a general meeting called for the purpose. The Executive Committee shall have powers to make, alter modify or rescind such regulations as may be considered necessary in the interest of smooth functioning of the society.

  1. List of Members

20.1 A list of members shall be maintained by the Secretary, along with details of their individual affiliations relating to theMahavidyalaya.

20.2 The list of members shall be made available to University staff and to officers and members of the Association in support of the work of the Association.


Subject to the provisions of Sections 24 & 27 of the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961 or any statutory modifications thereof, the Society may be dissolved by a resolution to that effect passed by 3/4th members of the society at a general meeting. The said meeting shall also decide the manner of disbursement of the funds and assets of the Association, if any, after dissolution. After dissolution the Funds and Assets of the Society will be transferred to a society duly registered having same aims and objectives. We, the undersigned members of the Executive Committee of the Society, do hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the Regulations of Society. Signature of the office bearers of the Executive Committee :

1Dr. Runu Das. PrincipalPresident
2Smt. Bubly SarkarVice-President
3Shri Captain Kumar SarkarVice-President
4Shri Rajesh MajumderGeneral Secretary
5Shri Manab ChakrabortyAssistant General Secretary
6Smt. Parama SenguptaAssistant General Secretary
7Shri Arka SutradharTreasurer

Details of the Executive Committee:-

Sl. No.NameAddressPh.no& email id
01.Dr. Runu Das, Principal,


B- 12 /18(S), Kalyani, Nadia 741235033-2582-1390
02.Rajesh Majumdar



A-9/214, Kalyani, Nadia 7412359903336010


03.Bubly Sarkar



Ghoshpara Ward No 3 Kalyani, Nadia 741235


04.Partho Banerjee



Ranaghat, Nadia9874816065
05.Laltu Das


Iswaripur, Nadia-7412358820313569
06.Captain kr. Sarkar



Vill- Uttar Ghoshpara

Near KBSP Club

Chalkdaha, Nadia741222



07.Priyam kr. Sarkar



Vill-Chanduria,p.o. Simurali,Nadia7412489735619352
08.Parama Sengupta



B-2/62 A, Kalyani, Nadia-741235
09.Soumali Dey



B-9/193, Kalyani, Nadia-7412358902674238
10.Arko Sutradhar



B-3/21,Kalyani, Nadia8697315179
11.Manab Chakraborty



Alaipur, Madanpur, Nadia-741245
12.Mandakranta Roy



111, Mona Dutta Sarani, Kanchrapara, 24 pgns (n)9088192707
13.Utsa Biswas



A-2/ 167  , Kalyani, Nadia-7412357044615011
14.Subhajit MondalRathtala. Sahid Pally, Kalyani, Nadia-741235


15.Koushik Sarkar



2 No. Ward, Kalyani, Nadia-741235