
Department of Botany


Departmental Activities:

1. To prepare the students for a successful career:

    Department are organised special lecture classes, Seminars, Add-on Course etc.

2. To Develop Hand Experience and Critical Thinking:

    Lab Visit, Field Visit and Local Excursion, Wall Magazine are organised for live experience.

3. Develop social skills and build confidence:

    Fresher, farewell and other cultural programme are organised.

4. To Spend Quality of time and Build Group Work Experience:

    Department organised Picnic, small tour, etc.

Motivational Program with slum area students
Cloth Distribution Program
Celebration of “National Science Day-2015”
Departmental Seminar: BOTANY IN EVERYDAY LIFE
Students Seminar: 3rd Year
Departmental Seminar cum workshop on “Taxonomy of Angiosperms”
Study Tour (Excursion) & Filed Study